Dimitri Beck

Head of the Photo Department of Polka (magazine, gallery, factory) France

Dimitri Beck is a journalist and the Director of Photography at Polka (magazine, gallery, factory) in Paris. As part of the Polka executive management since 2008, he has been contributing to the company's development. Beck gives lectures on photojournalism at conferences and educational institutes; he offers photojournalism courses as part of the Journalism Department of Sciences Po in Paris, and also at the international photo school Speos. He takes part in international photo juries, and for several years ran a weekly radio programme on photography on France Info, one of France's key news radio stations.

From September 2004 to December 2006, prior to working at Polka, Beck was Director of the Aina Photo Agency based in the Afghan capital of Kabul, where he was also the Editor-in-Chief for the Anglo-French feature magazine Les Nouvelles de Kaboul – New Afghanistan. Before this he worked as Editor-in-Chief of Reza Deghati’s photo agency, Webistan.

Portrait: © Pierre Anthony Allard